Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My sweet Kids

Matthew is such a big brother and loves his sissy Ashlynn, Ashlynn started calling him bubba soon after she started saying mommy and dada but has now started calling him Matty and it is super cute. They get along so well I love seeing them together. When a fight breaks out it is usually Matty starting it but it is Ash that wins I know I should not laugh but if you could see it, it is funny. Ash wants to do everything big brother does and she seems so much older then she is because of everything she can do. They are so sweet together love these 2 blessings so much.

Friday, September 9, 2011

I need Help

I would really love to blog I just forget about it and need to come up with what I want to blog about do I want to do daily or weekly or monthly or I just dont know. I want my blog to look cute. I just dont know all the ends and outs yet. I am sure they have a blog for dummies book for me but I also know I can do this. I love reading my friends blogs and getting super cute ideas. So I know I can do it so for now I am going to re vamp my blog and have a debut Party and giveaway on it so I am getting to work on my blog if you bloggers haved any tips or great add on websites or layouts let me know. Till then have a fantastic weekend and stay tuned to The Terry Times Debut