Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Wild and Crazy weekend

September is here and to start it of with a BANG, we did that for sure. Well back at the end of the school year in May Matthew had a cough that he just could not kick and has had it for a few months and then during soccer he would complain his chest hurt and be out of breath. So I took him to the Dr (not our pediatrician) and he said Matthew had Asthma and gave us an inhaler and sent us on our way, no details other then that, I thought oh this will be easy. So we started inhaler and his cough went away for a few weeks and summer came round and we were doing fine. Well then that all changed again in August, he started coughing again, did not want to do anything and he could not sleep. So I had a long talk with the nurse on the phone and she talked with our Pediatrician and said we needed to come in asap. So we went and I get asked a zillion questions (it sure seemed like it and we were there an hour and half with Dr)and the final diagnoses ASTHMA well your thinking duh you knew that already well yes, but there are 2 kinds of asthma Allergy induced and Excercise induced and guess what we are the lucky ones and Matthew has both. It does run on both sides of our family so of course we have a little one with it and he pretty much has had this problem since he was little it has just taken us till now to get the final diagnoses. So we are on 2 inhalers now and had to make some serious changes to things at our house.
So our weekend began Friday with taking Matthew's bunkbed apart and getting his carpet removed and tack strip up. So since I did all that why not paint it a new color right? Well yes Matty chose Grey so I got Volcanic Ash, well then Saturday rolled around why not get an early start pulling floors, well not yet I had Ladies over for Mugs & Muffins from Sunday School, you bring a coffee mug and then I supply the muffins and coffee and juice. Fun idea, so once ladies left then we got to work and had wonderful helpers and boy did they get the job done we now only have carpet left in Ashlynns room and our room but in the rest of the house we have nice concrete floors, the ripped up all carpet linolium and tile. And since all that has been pulled out and with help of family and friends for 2 days (all weekend) it will work till we have saved up for new floors which will be wood floors in the entire house even the bedrooms. Yes we had a lot going on but that is not it. We also had planned to have friends from Church over for lunch on Sunday all these events were planned before we decided to pull floors. We had over 30 people over for lunch and it went great. And those that were here Saturday did not know how we were gonna pull it off. Well they dont know me but they do now. Besides seeing concrete floors you would have had no idea what my house looked like on Saturday, everything was in its place (or new place) and all decorated for fall. Yes I did sleep Saturday night and even went to Church on Sunday. I just get things done. We even did different beds for the kids, Ash got a full size bed (that we had to go get from my sisters house) and then Matty got a full bed and a newly decorated room. Yes it was a crazy, wild, busy weekend at the Terry house. I wish I had before and after pictures I always think of the before after the fact. But I do have after pictures. I already have decided to paint the living room before we put new floors in and maybe the kitchen and hallways. Being at home all day I get a little tired of the colors real fast. Brandon says are rooms are getting smaller because of all the coats of paint on walls, I think he just does not like to paint,lol... Thats ok I love to paint. So we still have some work ahead of us but right now it is doing great and we will do what we can. We have already noticed a difference in Matthew since we have taken floors up. I am so glad we did. Now I am sure you want to see pics and not listen to me ramble on. Taking donations for our new floor,lol.... You can buy Thirty One from me and that would help,lol.... Just thought I would plug a funny in and better yet our new catalog for Fall just started and we have a great special this month. ;-)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Summer coming to an End

Summer is ending and we are gearing up for "Back to School" we had a great summer with many adventures this summer. A recap on our summer.

June: We signed up for Kids Bowl Free for the sumemr which is great so Matthew and Ash bowled a lot and Brandon and I did as well a few times. We all love to bowl, then Matty had a couple of VBS he went to and loved every minute of it. Then to top off the end of June we went to Port Aransas with Brandons family and had a great time. We love the beach so to get away for the weekend was so much fun and I am so ready for another beach trip. It was a busy June and we went swimming at my parents a lot and grilled out and just had fun. I still was busy with daycare kids and Brandon at work but we made the best of it.

July: Wow it got here fast, now this month was a little slower we did not have as many activities, we did Kids bowl free a few times and then our Church offers Fun Days on 3 of the Thursdays this month and both kids went to that and had a blast (wish it was every Thursday in the Summer, then came a HUGE trip at the end of the month. I had confernece in Atlanta for 2 days for Thirty One(super excited I got to go LOVE Thirty One)so we decided to turn it into a week long family vacation we have not done this before and we needed it for sure. We drove and it was LONG but we made it, we got to see my moms family and visit and we stayed with My Aunt (my dads sister) for the week and had a blast, we went to the Georgia Aquarium, World of Coke, Mall (did back to school clothes shopping for Matty) Krispy Kreme, Krystal Burger, Dwarf House (First CFA)Stone Mountain Lazer show, Matty and Brandon did Lego Land. What a blast we had and the kids did great. We crammed a lot in our trip and will be back in July next year which I cant wait to go!!!!

August: Yes we have made it to August already and we have had a very laid back August, still busy with Daycare kids and trying to get on schedule which has not happened, both my kids love there 12+ hours of sleep at night so getting up early is not there favorite thing to do at all. so next week for school starting back for Matthew is not going to be the favorite time of my morning at all. But next year I do know Matthew need stuff for August poor guy is bored at home during the day and I know next summer will be harder so will need to find more things for him. So nothing exciting this month. But hoping to do something this weekend that will be fun for our last weekend before the busy school year starts and also the crazy football season.

Goals for our Fall: Enjoy school, stay on schedule, have family fun night, Sell lots of Thirty One. What are your Goals for the Fall??

Hope you all have had a great summer!!!!


Thursday, June 14, 2012


Summer is here and Matthew has completed Kindergarten. Hard to believe I have a First grader now. We started off our summer with a busy week. Matthew had Sports Camp at our Church in the evenings and VBS in the mornings at another Church they did a Mythbusters theme for VBS and he loved it he was exhausted by the end of the week then we went and visited family out of town for the weekend. So our summer started off with a BANG!! Now we are in week 2 and it has been a lazy week which has been nice we have gone for walks in the evening and pretty much stayed in pjs all day (I love that) then this weekend is Fathers Day and we dont really have anything big planned we will probably go swimming, maybe see a movie and relax. Next week we dont have much planned except a Beach trip/Family Reunion in Port A, I love the beach and am so ready to go relax and have a blast. Its only a 4 day work week for Hubby and I and we both really need it. Then for the rest of the summer we have another VBS Matthew will go to and then we also have a HUGE trip and we will be gone 8 whole days WOW we have not done this as a family at all. I have a 31 National Conference to go to in Atlanta and am super excited to go this year. And the best part my Parents are from their and we have family to stay with so we are making a vacation out of it 2 Days Conference, 2 Driving days (not looking forward to one their and 1 back 17 hour days) and 4 days with family. It is gonna be a blast!!!!!! Then when we get back it will be time to buy school supplies and clothes and get ready for school,does it feel like summer is already going buy fast???? What fun things do you have planned for summer?????

Friday, May 25, 2012

Update: A little of everything

Wow, again I got behind on the blog. It has been a crazy past few months. Brandon has had a crazy work schedule, almost a year ago he went to work for Chick Fil A and in March they opened a location in South College Station that he is now at and so he has been gone a lot and when he is home he is asleep, so I have felt like that "Single Mom". With being home with kids all day and then the kids in the evening I find myself at Hobby Lobby and Lowes and projects running through my head and oh how I have gone crazy. My first huge project over last couple of months I decided to gut our bathroom well not all the way, I left the shower ( I did re caulk it) tub and sinks, but everything else came out flooring,toilet,towel bars etc... The bathroom got a total makeover and the things I could not do Brandon did when he got home at midnight. I love my bathroom now, we painted cabinets,walls, new floor,framed out builders mirror, new towel hooks and towels, and hardware for cabinets. Whew that was a project so when we got done with that we said no more projects for a while, ha we started the backyard this week, now we will do it in phases so it may take a few months but going to look great I am excited. Maybe now we will spend time out there. Also being home with the kids I have been organizing and decluttering. I dont know why we have to aculmilate so much junk it drives me crazy, I now look at things different and go threw a zillion questions before we buy anything or put it on our wish list. I want things to be simple and the house to always feel clean. We dont need all those dust collecting,shelf sitting stuff. If it does not get used everyday I got rid of it. Also to lighten our load and have help so we are not spending our free time doing yard work etc.. I hired someone to come do yard work and it is so nice hearing the lawnmowers every couple of weeks is like Christmas to me. Something I do not have to do on my to do list. Kiddos have been busy Matty has been playing Soccer through Upward at our Church. This year has not been the best and maybe because he is in school and gymnastics as well. He has seemed so tired and had a horrible cough so I finally took him in and he has Asthma, so we have started on an inhaler and in just a few days we have noticed a difference, I could kick myself for waiting so long to take him in. Only 3 days of school left for my little guy next week, I am sad he is losing such a wonderful, amazing teacher, I wish she could follow him every year. But at least we will still see her and her family at Church. I have lots of things planned for Matty this summer, VBS, Bowling, Ice Skating (he requested) Sports Camp, Swimming, Reading books and sleeping yes lots of sleeping,lol... Now Miss Ash, she is a wild curly hair crazy girl that has an attitude,lol. She knows what she wants, I know she will be super excited to have her brother home because when he is home now she is stuck to him like glue, she loves her "Buddy" I have her signed up for Summer fun Thursdays in July and I know she will have a blast going to that. She got a book for her birthday from her Uncle Brett and it has lots of animals in it and it has a button for each animal that tells you animal and what sound it makes well she told me what every animal was in the book, she named them as she pointed to each one and there are 2 to a page in the book and then she would push the button she can also tell you the sound they make with out pushing button. There is a lot of animals in the book and am shocked and how well she does. She loves this book and it shows we already have had to tape pages, they are falling out. I have also been busy with my Thirty One business and am gearing up for Conference in Atlanta and also getting a family vacation with my family and getting to see all my relatives in Georgia. Counting down the days I am so ready. We also have a Beach trip to Port Aransas in June, I love the beach and am ready for it. I need a relaxing weekend so bad. It will be nice for the kids to get to spend time with Daddy and him not be working on projects and gone to work. Well that is kind of an update of our crazy schedule and hoping for some little down time we have something every weekend till August. I guess that is what happens when I cant get anything done during the week. Have a wonderful summer and I hope to be back on the blog more often, I have been blog hopping to try and get ideas for mine, I want mine to be big and get lots of followers so think it is time for a re vamp. And we will start that with a giveaway, coming soon. Have a great weekend! Happy Memorial Day!!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

My Baby is 2

Wow it is hard to believe my baby Ashlynn has turned 2. I love that her birthday is on St Patricks day. We have lots of fun with Rainbow cupcakes with gold coins on top. Everyone knows me for my BIG parties I love to host parties and dont need an excuse to do it. But this year I wanted to symplify everything so for Ashlynns birthday I scratched my Huge Candy Land party that I had planned that would have been awesome to taking Ash to Shipleys for breakfast she loves her "dodos" (donut holes) and then we went to Chick fil a and had a "mini party" with a few friends and the kids played. I had a St Patricks day craft for kids to do and decorated table simple and cute. Then we had family over for dinner and decorated with balloons and streamers and it was so fun and a relaxing day with out any stress and Matthew said he wanted to do his birthday the same way. Oh how I love the simple birthday we had. I am very thankful for my sweet girl. These 2 years have gone way to fast and she is growing way to fast. She talks very well and loves her baby dolls and her hair bows and shoes. Every morning before she is out of her room she asks for a bow and shoes it is crazy.
Ashlynns Favorite Things:
Playing Outside
Baby doll
Her Big Brother
Hair Bows
Loves to say "Cute" about clothes
Loves to Hug
Wander what this year will bring for Miss Ashlynn. We love you baby girl!!! Happy second Birthday and looking forward to many more!!!!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Where did February Go??

Wow February seem to have flown by. It is such a blur I am not sure what all we did. It was a calm month not much going on. I guess I can give a little detail of what has gone on that I can remember.
We will start with Brandon, it has been 8 months since he switched to working for Chik fil A and he is really enjoying it!! He has promoted to Assistant General Manager and will be at the new location that is opening March 29 and then after 3 months will become General Manager very exciting, he is looking at buying a truck soon as well. We enjoy having a "normal" family schedule for a change and having Daddy home which has us doing lots of projects around the house which is fun to see things change.
Matthew is enjoying school it is hard to believe he is almost done with Kindergarten. After school he goes to Powersports and loves the time he gets to play. He has Gymnastics twice a week and is on Boys team and is really doing great. When home he is playing with his sister, belyblades, legos and his DS. He is starting soccer here in the next few weeks and we are all excited about soccer.
Ashlynn is my little girly girl, everymorning first thing before she is out of her crib she asks for shoes and a hair bow and points to the moose for her hair. She needs to look her best before she comes out of her room, so cute. She loves her skirts and dresses. Hard to belive she will be 2 on the 17th. I love that her birthday is on St Patricks day it is so much fun. We dont have any big plans for her birthday this year, every one can not believe I am not doing a huge party, yes I love to do parties but I cutting back we are going to do it with family only this year. I am really excited about that it will still be fun. Ashlynn loves Elmo and it is so cute when she wants to watch Elmo. Ashlynn has become the little artist, she loves to color and we got her an easel and she would spend all day at it if I would let her. She also has a bitty baby that goes everywhere with her. She is so sweet to her baby, she feeds her,pushes her in stroller and rocks her. Just precious We are starting the potty training thing but she just likes to sit on potty, she still has not done anything. She is smitten about her brother oh my she loves him to death it is so cute when they are together. He loves his little sister very much and is so sweet to her, today before school he went and hugged and kissed her before he left. I love seeing my 2 precious children together.
Me, well lets see, between chasing 6 kids around all day which I love my job and every minute spent with the kids is a blessing. I have wonderful kids. We have our rough days for sure, but the smiles on a toddlers face is priceless. I have also had my house on a "diet" I got rid of so much stuff in February it feels so good. The trash I through out and stuff I got rid of and stuff going in a garage sale this weekend it feels good to have all of it done. I still have my closet to finsih but all I have to do is move a dresser out. So that will be easy. Why I "had to have" all the stuff I had is crazy now some was stuff I came with when I got married and then other from over the years. We just dont need it. Really working hard on not buying stuff same with clothes, toys, etc for kids... I really like the "clean" feeling my house has. I am excited to have my craft room all set up makes it very nice to go do projects with out having to pull it out into house. I also decorated my laundry room and makes for getting laundry done so nice. Now that I have had the house on a diet I have now started my diet and goal 25lbs we will see how well I do. I have started Zumba on the Wii and love it. My sister n law Bethany and I are doing it every night and I hope to add Wii fit in as well. I dont have time to go to gym, so doing what I can at home.
Well that is an update of our fun filled crazy life, really is not bad we have fun and I still find time to cook and relax and spend time with my little family.
Have a great March and trying to figure out what kind of giveaway for March until then have a great weekend.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

29 Must have Home Supplies

Well in my internet surfing today I came across this handy list. This year my goal was for my house to go on a "Diet" every inch of my house. I dont want to keep stuff that I say Oh I will use that someday, no if it does not get used on a regular basis then forget it, I dont have a place for it. I need my home functional and kid friendly with the warmth of a cozy decorated home (so it does not look like a daycare) I was doing so good on my "House Diet" but these last 2 weeks I have been in a funk. So coming across this list today made me think of what I need and dont need in my kitchen drawers and around the house.
Now I think it is time for a giveaway and I have a Kitchen Surprise for you. Now what is your most favorite kitchen item you use and could not live with out??? This giveaway I will draw on February 29 and announce winner on March 1st. Good Luck
Here is the 29 Must have Home Supplies
1. Kitchen Scissors
Stop wrestling with food packaging and dedicate a pair of easy-to-clean scissors for kitchen use only.

2. Zip'n Steam® Microwave Cooking Bags
Make healthy dinners in a flash with no messy cleanup!

3. Popcorn
Skip the standard butter and season plain popcorn with garlic salt and parmesan cheese, truffle oil, or, for a sweet snack, cocoa powder!

4. Clothespins
Keep bread bags and opened bags of chips or cereal clipped shut. Or use a glue gun to attach the clothespins to the inside of a cabinet door, keeping potholders and rubber gloves within reach.

5. Ceramic Knife
You'll fall in love the first time you use it! It's lightweight, lasts for years without sharpening and comes in great colors and patterns like polka dots!

6. Mulling Spices
Warm up those cold winter nights by adding mulling spices to warm cider.

7. Toothpicks
Helpful in the kitchen and great for applying glue to small items, cleaning small spaces (like grooves in a phone) or wrapping around the tape end so you can find it again on the roll.

8. Glass Cutting Board
So easy to clean and disinfect, a cutting board made from tempered glass can also be used as a trivet or a serving tray.

9. Windex® Multi-Surface with Glade® Clear Springs™
No need to lug around a bucket of different cleaners. Get your whole kitchen clean and smelling great with just one.

10. Toothbrush
Nothing removes dirt from around faucets or sweeps away crumbs from the seal of the fridge better.

11. Shelf Liner
This rubberized mesh is nonadhesive and cushions delicate dishes and glasses in your cabinets.

12. Rubber Bands
In addition to their regular duties, rubber bands can help ease open a jar or safely keep stemware secured to the top wrack of the dishwasher.

13. Shallot
It looks like a small onion, and it’s the professional chef’s secret weapon when it comes to adding a touch of extra flavor to a dish.

14. Step Ladder
Safely retrieve hard-to-reach items with this handy tool. Small fold-away versions make storage a snap.

15. Over-the-Door Shoe Rack
It keeps shoes from cluttering the floor but can also organize accessories like belts and scarves or bathroom items like brushes, combs and hairspray.

16. Eyeglass Repair Kit
It provides replacement screws and a little screwdriver that can fix many things beyond glasses.

17. Drano® Snake Plus Drain Cleaning Kit
Clogs happen. This kit is effective, easy to use and much cheaper than a plumber.

18. Sewing Kit
A basic sewing kit should include needles, thread (black and white), small scissors, buttons, safety pins, a seam ripper and iron-on seam binding.

19. Measuring Tape
Essential for gauging the actual dimensions of your online purchases. It's the best way to figure out if something will fit in your home.

20. Breath Mint Tins
Compact and secure, tins can store small items like vitamins, buttons or safety pins with ease. On the go? Toss them in your purse or suitcase.

21. Glade® Sense & Spray® Automatic Freshener
Perk up a winter day with the scent of lavender & vanilla.

22. Electronics Cleaner
Safely clean all your electronic equipment with Pledge® Multi Surface Everyday Cleaner.

23. Permanent Markers
Handy for all labeling, including CDs and DVDs.

24. Glitter
Add a little sparkle to homemade valentines, scrapbook pages, and rainy- or snowy-day crafts. Storing it in salt shakers lets you shake out just what you need and prevents spills.

25. Extension Cord
You never know when you need to run power to something, somewhere.

26. Toolbox
Everyone should have the basics on hand: a hammer, nails, a big and little Phillips-head and flat-head screwdriver, needle-nose pliers, a box cutter and a staple gun.

27. Flashlight
Always keep one or two flashlights with fresh batteries in the house. They'll help during power outages and allow you to peer into the back of closets and under beds, too.

28. Duct Tape
Sometimes it seems as if duct tape can repair practically anything.

29. Chocolate Sauce
It’s an extra special treat for an extra day! Keep a bottle of chocolate sauce in the refrigerator, because you never know when you might want to sweeten up dessert just a little. And remember to look around your home every now and then to keep an eye out for those little things that make life easier and even just a little more fun.