Family Est. 2001

Adventures of a Little Man and a Lady
Our adventure started with Brandon and I meeting in Sept of 2000 and then began dating on March 17 2001 and then became engaged June 3rd and then married on November 16, your thinking WOW, yes it was fast but they say you know when you have met the person God has planned for you and yes we did know and have enjoyed the past 10 years and looking forward to 60+ more. During our 10 years so far we were blessed with Matthew Laban Terry on November 8, 2005 and he was born day after Brandons birthday, and we were 2 very happy parents and Matthew is a wonderful boy and is hard to believe he started school this year and is turning 6 in just a couple of weeks. Then we have the wonderful gift of a little girl Ashlynn Leigh Ann Terry joined us on March 17, 2010 date ring a bell yep not only is it St Patricks day but also mine and Brandons first date. And it was also my Grandparents anniversary so this day is very special to me in many ways. Ashlynn is very different then her brother that is for sure but such a cutie. She keeps me on my toes all the time.
I of course left out all those busy details between all these special days because if you know us it would take me a few years to fill in all the in betweens. Now will we have more kids? Well only God knows and it is in His hands if he blesses us with more we will be so happy. Our story has had a happy beginning,middle and still going...... To be continued....