Thursday, August 23, 2012

Summer coming to an End

Summer is ending and we are gearing up for "Back to School" we had a great summer with many adventures this summer. A recap on our summer.

June: We signed up for Kids Bowl Free for the sumemr which is great so Matthew and Ash bowled a lot and Brandon and I did as well a few times. We all love to bowl, then Matty had a couple of VBS he went to and loved every minute of it. Then to top off the end of June we went to Port Aransas with Brandons family and had a great time. We love the beach so to get away for the weekend was so much fun and I am so ready for another beach trip. It was a busy June and we went swimming at my parents a lot and grilled out and just had fun. I still was busy with daycare kids and Brandon at work but we made the best of it.

July: Wow it got here fast, now this month was a little slower we did not have as many activities, we did Kids bowl free a few times and then our Church offers Fun Days on 3 of the Thursdays this month and both kids went to that and had a blast (wish it was every Thursday in the Summer, then came a HUGE trip at the end of the month. I had confernece in Atlanta for 2 days for Thirty One(super excited I got to go LOVE Thirty One)so we decided to turn it into a week long family vacation we have not done this before and we needed it for sure. We drove and it was LONG but we made it, we got to see my moms family and visit and we stayed with My Aunt (my dads sister) for the week and had a blast, we went to the Georgia Aquarium, World of Coke, Mall (did back to school clothes shopping for Matty) Krispy Kreme, Krystal Burger, Dwarf House (First CFA)Stone Mountain Lazer show, Matty and Brandon did Lego Land. What a blast we had and the kids did great. We crammed a lot in our trip and will be back in July next year which I cant wait to go!!!!

August: Yes we have made it to August already and we have had a very laid back August, still busy with Daycare kids and trying to get on schedule which has not happened, both my kids love there 12+ hours of sleep at night so getting up early is not there favorite thing to do at all. so next week for school starting back for Matthew is not going to be the favorite time of my morning at all. But next year I do know Matthew need stuff for August poor guy is bored at home during the day and I know next summer will be harder so will need to find more things for him. So nothing exciting this month. But hoping to do something this weekend that will be fun for our last weekend before the busy school year starts and also the crazy football season.

Goals for our Fall: Enjoy school, stay on schedule, have family fun night, Sell lots of Thirty One. What are your Goals for the Fall??

Hope you all have had a great summer!!!!
