Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Wild and Crazy weekend

September is here and to start it of with a BANG, we did that for sure. Well back at the end of the school year in May Matthew had a cough that he just could not kick and has had it for a few months and then during soccer he would complain his chest hurt and be out of breath. So I took him to the Dr (not our pediatrician) and he said Matthew had Asthma and gave us an inhaler and sent us on our way, no details other then that, I thought oh this will be easy. So we started inhaler and his cough went away for a few weeks and summer came round and we were doing fine. Well then that all changed again in August, he started coughing again, did not want to do anything and he could not sleep. So I had a long talk with the nurse on the phone and she talked with our Pediatrician and said we needed to come in asap. So we went and I get asked a zillion questions (it sure seemed like it and we were there an hour and half with Dr)and the final diagnoses ASTHMA well your thinking duh you knew that already well yes, but there are 2 kinds of asthma Allergy induced and Excercise induced and guess what we are the lucky ones and Matthew has both. It does run on both sides of our family so of course we have a little one with it and he pretty much has had this problem since he was little it has just taken us till now to get the final diagnoses. So we are on 2 inhalers now and had to make some serious changes to things at our house.
So our weekend began Friday with taking Matthew's bunkbed apart and getting his carpet removed and tack strip up. So since I did all that why not paint it a new color right? Well yes Matty chose Grey so I got Volcanic Ash, well then Saturday rolled around why not get an early start pulling floors, well not yet I had Ladies over for Mugs & Muffins from Sunday School, you bring a coffee mug and then I supply the muffins and coffee and juice. Fun idea, so once ladies left then we got to work and had wonderful helpers and boy did they get the job done we now only have carpet left in Ashlynns room and our room but in the rest of the house we have nice concrete floors, the ripped up all carpet linolium and tile. And since all that has been pulled out and with help of family and friends for 2 days (all weekend) it will work till we have saved up for new floors which will be wood floors in the entire house even the bedrooms. Yes we had a lot going on but that is not it. We also had planned to have friends from Church over for lunch on Sunday all these events were planned before we decided to pull floors. We had over 30 people over for lunch and it went great. And those that were here Saturday did not know how we were gonna pull it off. Well they dont know me but they do now. Besides seeing concrete floors you would have had no idea what my house looked like on Saturday, everything was in its place (or new place) and all decorated for fall. Yes I did sleep Saturday night and even went to Church on Sunday. I just get things done. We even did different beds for the kids, Ash got a full size bed (that we had to go get from my sisters house) and then Matty got a full bed and a newly decorated room. Yes it was a crazy, wild, busy weekend at the Terry house. I wish I had before and after pictures I always think of the before after the fact. But I do have after pictures. I already have decided to paint the living room before we put new floors in and maybe the kitchen and hallways. Being at home all day I get a little tired of the colors real fast. Brandon says are rooms are getting smaller because of all the coats of paint on walls, I think he just does not like to paint,lol... Thats ok I love to paint. So we still have some work ahead of us but right now it is doing great and we will do what we can. We have already noticed a difference in Matthew since we have taken floors up. I am so glad we did. Now I am sure you want to see pics and not listen to me ramble on. Taking donations for our new floor,lol.... You can buy Thirty One from me and that would help,lol.... Just thought I would plug a funny in and better yet our new catalog for Fall just started and we have a great special this month. ;-)