Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cute things Matty says and does

Matty has cute ways he says words or the way he shortens them, I know all kids do this and you hate to correct them because it is so cute.
Cute words he says Meself instead of myself, Allabody instead of everybody, bunt instead of button, thank for thank you and welk for welcome. "I told you" is one of his favorites. He wants a honker for his bike. Everything happened Yesterday and the time is always 10:36. He is cute when he says "Oh Gosh" or oh no her didn't. Many cute things for such a cute little boy. He sure lets us know if he had a great day. He told us one day that if we went to the movie it would be a great day. I am sure I will think of others but Matty wants to go to the park and it is such beautiful weather and he wants to ride his bike which means and early night to bed!!!!! Love these nights.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Our Little Boy

Matthew Laban Terry "Matty" was born November 8,2005 weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 21 1/4 inches long he was a long skinny baby. Cute as can be. it he first year went buy fast he was a great sleeper and eater and a very happy baby. We celebrated his First Birthday with a Prince Party and had all our family and friends at my parents house we had lots of fancy desserts and time to celebrate the 1st year of having such a sweet boy. Then came a busy 2nd year with Matty walking and talking and being a boy what a great year. Matthew began MDO at our Church in the summer of 2007 and he loved it he would come home and talk about his entire day then in the fall he began going twice a week and just loves it Then came the 2nd birthday and we had a Pirate Party which Matty was very into pirates and we celebrated this birthday with family and friends at our home Matthew was now our big 2yr old wow and those terrible 2's. Did I survive yes I did but it is not over yet. We are now in the terrible 3's he had his 3rd birthday at my parents with a carnival and a outdoor movie with Thomas the Train theme. What a party the older he gets the more kids at the party and it was a wild party but a huge blast we all had lots of fun. Now the begininning of this 3rd year and he get mistaken as a 5 or 6 yr old all the time and it is hard for me he is only 3. His favorites areTractors, cars and trains and he is very picky about clothes and shoes and he has been potty trained for a year which is great now. His favorite things to eat are Spaghetw, Beeftips Rice and Gravy, Chicken and Fries and pretty muc any green vegetable he loves Asparagus, Green beans, Spinach. I am glad he loves his vegatables. Well I am sure I will think of something but for now this is what

The beginning of "The Terry Times"

Well it is Day 1 of blogging and I guess you could say I am 7 years behind from when I got married or if we want to start from when Matthew "Matty" was born then I am 3 years behind. Well I can give the highlights from the past 7 years of being "The Terry's". Brandon and I married November 16, 2001 and it has been great and planning on many more great years. In March of 2008 we were blessed with a baby coming into our lives in June we found out that it was a boy and his name Matthew Laban Terry and he was born on November 8, 2005. That was a fantastic day, scary but would do it all over again. Well these last 3 years have gone by super fast, we would love to have more children but we have been blessed with this incredible little boy and if God lets us have more we will take as many as we can get.