Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cute things Matty says and does

Matty has cute ways he says words or the way he shortens them, I know all kids do this and you hate to correct them because it is so cute.
Cute words he says Meself instead of myself, Allabody instead of everybody, bunt instead of button, thank for thank you and welk for welcome. "I told you" is one of his favorites. He wants a honker for his bike. Everything happened Yesterday and the time is always 10:36. He is cute when he says "Oh Gosh" or oh no her didn't. Many cute things for such a cute little boy. He sure lets us know if he had a great day. He told us one day that if we went to the movie it would be a great day. I am sure I will think of others but Matty wants to go to the park and it is such beautiful weather and he wants to ride his bike which means and early night to bed!!!!! Love these nights.

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