Monday, March 19, 2012

My Baby is 2

Wow it is hard to believe my baby Ashlynn has turned 2. I love that her birthday is on St Patricks day. We have lots of fun with Rainbow cupcakes with gold coins on top. Everyone knows me for my BIG parties I love to host parties and dont need an excuse to do it. But this year I wanted to symplify everything so for Ashlynns birthday I scratched my Huge Candy Land party that I had planned that would have been awesome to taking Ash to Shipleys for breakfast she loves her "dodos" (donut holes) and then we went to Chick fil a and had a "mini party" with a few friends and the kids played. I had a St Patricks day craft for kids to do and decorated table simple and cute. Then we had family over for dinner and decorated with balloons and streamers and it was so fun and a relaxing day with out any stress and Matthew said he wanted to do his birthday the same way. Oh how I love the simple birthday we had. I am very thankful for my sweet girl. These 2 years have gone way to fast and she is growing way to fast. She talks very well and loves her baby dolls and her hair bows and shoes. Every morning before she is out of her room she asks for a bow and shoes it is crazy.
Ashlynns Favorite Things:
Playing Outside
Baby doll
Her Big Brother
Hair Bows
Loves to say "Cute" about clothes
Loves to Hug
Wander what this year will bring for Miss Ashlynn. We love you baby girl!!! Happy second Birthday and looking forward to many more!!!!!!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Where did February Go??

Wow February seem to have flown by. It is such a blur I am not sure what all we did. It was a calm month not much going on. I guess I can give a little detail of what has gone on that I can remember.
We will start with Brandon, it has been 8 months since he switched to working for Chik fil A and he is really enjoying it!! He has promoted to Assistant General Manager and will be at the new location that is opening March 29 and then after 3 months will become General Manager very exciting, he is looking at buying a truck soon as well. We enjoy having a "normal" family schedule for a change and having Daddy home which has us doing lots of projects around the house which is fun to see things change.
Matthew is enjoying school it is hard to believe he is almost done with Kindergarten. After school he goes to Powersports and loves the time he gets to play. He has Gymnastics twice a week and is on Boys team and is really doing great. When home he is playing with his sister, belyblades, legos and his DS. He is starting soccer here in the next few weeks and we are all excited about soccer.
Ashlynn is my little girly girl, everymorning first thing before she is out of her crib she asks for shoes and a hair bow and points to the moose for her hair. She needs to look her best before she comes out of her room, so cute. She loves her skirts and dresses. Hard to belive she will be 2 on the 17th. I love that her birthday is on St Patricks day it is so much fun. We dont have any big plans for her birthday this year, every one can not believe I am not doing a huge party, yes I love to do parties but I cutting back we are going to do it with family only this year. I am really excited about that it will still be fun. Ashlynn loves Elmo and it is so cute when she wants to watch Elmo. Ashlynn has become the little artist, she loves to color and we got her an easel and she would spend all day at it if I would let her. She also has a bitty baby that goes everywhere with her. She is so sweet to her baby, she feeds her,pushes her in stroller and rocks her. Just precious We are starting the potty training thing but she just likes to sit on potty, she still has not done anything. She is smitten about her brother oh my she loves him to death it is so cute when they are together. He loves his little sister very much and is so sweet to her, today before school he went and hugged and kissed her before he left. I love seeing my 2 precious children together.
Me, well lets see, between chasing 6 kids around all day which I love my job and every minute spent with the kids is a blessing. I have wonderful kids. We have our rough days for sure, but the smiles on a toddlers face is priceless. I have also had my house on a "diet" I got rid of so much stuff in February it feels so good. The trash I through out and stuff I got rid of and stuff going in a garage sale this weekend it feels good to have all of it done. I still have my closet to finsih but all I have to do is move a dresser out. So that will be easy. Why I "had to have" all the stuff I had is crazy now some was stuff I came with when I got married and then other from over the years. We just dont need it. Really working hard on not buying stuff same with clothes, toys, etc for kids... I really like the "clean" feeling my house has. I am excited to have my craft room all set up makes it very nice to go do projects with out having to pull it out into house. I also decorated my laundry room and makes for getting laundry done so nice. Now that I have had the house on a diet I have now started my diet and goal 25lbs we will see how well I do. I have started Zumba on the Wii and love it. My sister n law Bethany and I are doing it every night and I hope to add Wii fit in as well. I dont have time to go to gym, so doing what I can at home.
Well that is an update of our fun filled crazy life, really is not bad we have fun and I still find time to cook and relax and spend time with my little family.
Have a great March and trying to figure out what kind of giveaway for March until then have a great weekend.