Monday, March 19, 2012

My Baby is 2

Wow it is hard to believe my baby Ashlynn has turned 2. I love that her birthday is on St Patricks day. We have lots of fun with Rainbow cupcakes with gold coins on top. Everyone knows me for my BIG parties I love to host parties and dont need an excuse to do it. But this year I wanted to symplify everything so for Ashlynns birthday I scratched my Huge Candy Land party that I had planned that would have been awesome to taking Ash to Shipleys for breakfast she loves her "dodos" (donut holes) and then we went to Chick fil a and had a "mini party" with a few friends and the kids played. I had a St Patricks day craft for kids to do and decorated table simple and cute. Then we had family over for dinner and decorated with balloons and streamers and it was so fun and a relaxing day with out any stress and Matthew said he wanted to do his birthday the same way. Oh how I love the simple birthday we had. I am very thankful for my sweet girl. These 2 years have gone way to fast and she is growing way to fast. She talks very well and loves her baby dolls and her hair bows and shoes. Every morning before she is out of her room she asks for a bow and shoes it is crazy.
Ashlynns Favorite Things:
Playing Outside
Baby doll
Her Big Brother
Hair Bows
Loves to say "Cute" about clothes
Loves to Hug
Wander what this year will bring for Miss Ashlynn. We love you baby girl!!! Happy second Birthday and looking forward to many more!!!!!!

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