Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rainy Weather

Well it is a rainy day and so staying indoors I try to be creative. Staying at home with one would be easy to come up with stuff but having daycare kiddos I am trying to keep several busy. We have lots of fun and I enjoy being at home. There are some weeks though that I wish I worked 2 days and had 5 off who thought that a work week needed to be 5 days. Lets say we work Tuesday and Wednesday and have off Thursday through Monday, that would be great.
I am trying to plan our May I think with daycare kiddos we are going to work on Safety and Recycle (going green). I think this will be lots of fun.
As a family I hope to go to Kings Orchard and pick fresh berries. Go on lots of family bike rides and playing outdoors. I am also looking forward to the summer when we can go swimming and Matty starts gymnastics, he is so excited.
Well I am shoked I got to blogs done within less then 12 hours now wander how long it will take for my next. I also hope to get some more things added to my blog I am learning little by little. I am new at this to all you bloogers so if you have tips let me know. Well better get busy with my day..

Monday, April 27, 2009

A little behind

Well over the last several months have been hard, we have been busy and spending a lot of time as a family which has been nice. I have had 2 very early pregnacy miscariages and am doing well. My last one was the week before Easter so it was a rough week but I have managed to keep going. I got away for the weekend with a friend which was nice we shopped and went to an all day Scrapbook thing and I got a lot done and still have lots to do. I did get lots of ideas which is nice. Matty got to enjoy the weekend with his daddy, they went to the Maroon & White Game and had a blast. Well Matty is growing like a weed he is 3 1/2 and wearing size 5 clothes and 12 1/2 shoes. Did you know when you move from the toddler section clothes triple in price, between feeding this weed and clothing him I am broke. But it is all worth it. I have been trying to turn our home Green and organic the best we can for now. It would help if we would get a Whole Foods around here. We had a new addition to our extended family this weekend our nephew Cullen Rex Terry was born and is a cutie pie. He has a sweet big brother Eli and great parents looking forward to our visit with them soon. Well I better go to bed and hopefully I wont get so far behind again.