Saturday, December 31, 2011

Out with the old & in with the new

Goodbye 2011, I am blessed beyond measure for this past year, for a wonderful family and friends. It has been a year of UPS and downs for sure. I can't remember much from January and February but then March we celebrated Ashlynns 1st birthday and then more crazy months and then in July Brandon went from working for my parents to working for Chick fil A, we had done a lot and I mean a lot of praying about this change and God opened every door for this change and it has been great. We have had ups and downs finacially with the change but I think that is all smoothed out now. Then some more crazy months went by and Matthew started kindergarten in August and that was a big adjustment in schedule and getting used to our new routine but we have adjusted well and are loving his teacher and the school. If you know me well you know when I say crazy months that it is crazy in the life of the Terrys, I am always doing something and I have an in home daycare so my days are full. So after our crazy couple of months we get to October and have a miscarriage yes it was very very hard and I tried to show off my big girl pants and I finally caved after some really hard days and weeks. I still have my off days but I am doing well. Then we get to a really crazy November we have Brandons birthday, Matthews 6th birthday and our 10 year Anniversary and then Thanksgiving yep that month flew by and then we hit December wow here already and it went by fast as well and we Jesus our #1 focus for this season. We are very thankful for this year and getting to share this holiday with family. And thankful for all our friends. We are looking forward to what 2012 has for us. Happy New Year Friends and Family, I am praying for each and everyone of you this year.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Holiday Tradition Winner

Congratulations to Rebecca for commenting your Holiday Tradition, I will bring you your Large Utility Tote.
Thank you all for commenting you had wonderful traditions. Stay tuned to January for more giveaways!!!!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Family Photo

My sweet family photo ~ Merry Christmas!!!! 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

New in 2012

I have big plans for 2012 with the blog and monthly giveaways and my new craft room and all the projects I have planned and the goal of starting and Etsy shop. I am gonna be busy for sure but I think this is gonna be my extra job, lol.... If you know me well you know I never have just one job I always am doing something it is crazy.
I am planning on trying products and then blogging about it and hopeing to have that product to giveaway. I have the emails going out contacting companys etc.... I also want to have my blog grow and have more folowers all over the world possibly. So here is a question for you should I change the name from The Terry Times to something else or do you think that will still fit??? Also let me know of maybe some products you might like to see featured next year, I would love to know what kind of ideas you are looking for.
Merry Chirstmas

Friday, December 9, 2011

17 Days

Wow is it only 17 days till Christmas???? Wow I think I am ready, well need to be ready. We are having a snowball effect finacially right now and it is tough. Brandon switched jobs at the end of the summer and took a bit of a pay cut at first and slowly caught up with us. We did not realize it was going to take so long for pay to pick back up so we recently had a major slip up in our account and built up a few to many fees which makes it tougher to catch up. I got a couple waived but not enough. I want to be out of this hump. I know God has a lesson for us out of this and to trust in Him and His plan for us. He will provide and we have to trust and abide in Him and not let this HOLIDAY season over power is and we loose sight in the true meaning of Christmas and the reason Jesus was born. God provided for Mary and Joseph during this time, they trusted in Him. I am so glad we have Him apart of our lives. I pray for those that have lost sight in Him or have not found Him yet and will see that He is our Wonderful Counseler, Prince of Peace, Mighty God who is here for us and created us. To Celebrate this wonderful holiday season we are going to have a Happy Birthday Jesus party on Christmas Eve complete with cake and candles. As we are counting down the days to Christmas with our advent calendar let us read today Luke 2:3-5 Merry CHRISTmas

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fake-It Frugal: Homemade Tomato Basil Spaghetti Sauce...for the Fr...

I made a batch of this sauce 3 months ago and it was fantastic and so we are making it again it was so nice to be able to pull fresh homemade sauce out of freezer and throw some meat or meatballs in it and noodles and easy dinner! Enjoy!!
Fake-It Frugal: Homemade Tomato Basil Spaghetti Sauce...for the Fr...:

Monday, December 5, 2011

Countdown continues

We had a super busy weekend with every attention of posting on the blog but it did not happen. Every year we go to Brenham to get pictures with Santa, our kids know Santa is not real in bringing the gifts but we do love the Santa in Brenham I will post our pics soon. Our laptop is down and it just is not as easy to go to the other computer and do everything. I am posting from my phone now so short and simple posts this month and for the giveaway if you have not entered yet please do. I am giving away Large Utility tote value $30. Well back to our busy weekend. Pictures with Santa done, family pictures done, Christmas shopping done and had company over for lunch on Sunday and I made Crockpot fajitas that had been cooking for 16 hours and they were so yummy and easy. If you have not checked out yet you must the recipes I have tried so far have been amazing. Our top 2 are Chicken and dumplins and Crockpot Fajitas. Great simple warm meals that feed a lot. Check it out. Have a great week and keep in mind during this busy holiday season that Jesus is the reason for the season and don't let that focus leave you during this crazy time of year.

Friday, December 2, 2011

24 Days

24 Days but who is counting,lol... I am ready for Christmas I love seeing the joy in my kids and teaching them the meaning of Christmas. I don't know if it was intended this way or not but growing up every Christmas morning we all had to go into the den together for the first 11 years I was the only kid then after that the 3 sibblings seem to appear.... I always seem to get a remote control car or a bike. I love getting a remote control cars and want to start that with our kids one of these days. Not only did I just get one so did my dad and mom and then the siblings when they were old enough and then we would race and play all day lots and lots of fun. Now while we opened presents we had cinnamon rolls and Orange danish rolls baking in the oven to eat for breakfast. So much fun and yes every year since I have been married we have had cinnamon rolls and Orange danish for breakfast. I love it. Our kids know that Santa is us giving the gifts. I know we are not nice but Matty had know problem with it and he is so good at not telling those that do believe he has done a fantastic job. Well don't forget to tell me your favorite family tradition, I am giving away a Large Utility tote. I will leave you with day 24 read Luke 1:28-30

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy December 1st!!!!! Let the Countdown begin!!!! Now to begin our countdown why don't we start with a giveaway and I will have to post picture later but if you are familiar with Thirty-One (I do sell it) I am giving away a Large Utility Tote. What you have to do is post a comment of what your fav orite Christmas Tradition is. I will do the drawing on the 15th. Now to start our countdown here is our first scripture - In the sixth month, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a virgin pledged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The virgins name was Mary. Luke 1:26-27
Have a great day!!!!!!