Friday, December 2, 2011

24 Days

24 Days but who is counting,lol... I am ready for Christmas I love seeing the joy in my kids and teaching them the meaning of Christmas. I don't know if it was intended this way or not but growing up every Christmas morning we all had to go into the den together for the first 11 years I was the only kid then after that the 3 sibblings seem to appear.... I always seem to get a remote control car or a bike. I love getting a remote control cars and want to start that with our kids one of these days. Not only did I just get one so did my dad and mom and then the siblings when they were old enough and then we would race and play all day lots and lots of fun. Now while we opened presents we had cinnamon rolls and Orange danish rolls baking in the oven to eat for breakfast. So much fun and yes every year since I have been married we have had cinnamon rolls and Orange danish for breakfast. I love it. Our kids know that Santa is us giving the gifts. I know we are not nice but Matty had know problem with it and he is so good at not telling those that do believe he has done a fantastic job. Well don't forget to tell me your favorite family tradition, I am giving away a Large Utility tote. I will leave you with day 24 read Luke 1:28-30

1 comment:

  1. I am going to leave a tradition!! :)

    Growing up we would also have a big breakfast together! We would have breakfast casserole and cinnamon orange biscuits... mmm mmm! :) My favorite part is having a time of devotional as we get to worship the Lord together through reading the Word and talking about God's goodness. We used to do an advent wreath as a family, but as we started being gone most of December (with school, jobs, our own family) it is just on Christmas morning.

    I am looking forward to starting traditions with my family... and I am eager to start celebrating a season of advent in our home. :)
