Saturday, December 31, 2011

Out with the old & in with the new

Goodbye 2011, I am blessed beyond measure for this past year, for a wonderful family and friends. It has been a year of UPS and downs for sure. I can't remember much from January and February but then March we celebrated Ashlynns 1st birthday and then more crazy months and then in July Brandon went from working for my parents to working for Chick fil A, we had done a lot and I mean a lot of praying about this change and God opened every door for this change and it has been great. We have had ups and downs finacially with the change but I think that is all smoothed out now. Then some more crazy months went by and Matthew started kindergarten in August and that was a big adjustment in schedule and getting used to our new routine but we have adjusted well and are loving his teacher and the school. If you know me well you know when I say crazy months that it is crazy in the life of the Terrys, I am always doing something and I have an in home daycare so my days are full. So after our crazy couple of months we get to October and have a miscarriage yes it was very very hard and I tried to show off my big girl pants and I finally caved after some really hard days and weeks. I still have my off days but I am doing well. Then we get to a really crazy November we have Brandons birthday, Matthews 6th birthday and our 10 year Anniversary and then Thanksgiving yep that month flew by and then we hit December wow here already and it went by fast as well and we Jesus our #1 focus for this season. We are very thankful for this year and getting to share this holiday with family. And thankful for all our friends. We are looking forward to what 2012 has for us. Happy New Year Friends and Family, I am praying for each and everyone of you this year.

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