Friday, May 25, 2012

Update: A little of everything

Wow, again I got behind on the blog. It has been a crazy past few months. Brandon has had a crazy work schedule, almost a year ago he went to work for Chick Fil A and in March they opened a location in South College Station that he is now at and so he has been gone a lot and when he is home he is asleep, so I have felt like that "Single Mom". With being home with kids all day and then the kids in the evening I find myself at Hobby Lobby and Lowes and projects running through my head and oh how I have gone crazy. My first huge project over last couple of months I decided to gut our bathroom well not all the way, I left the shower ( I did re caulk it) tub and sinks, but everything else came out flooring,toilet,towel bars etc... The bathroom got a total makeover and the things I could not do Brandon did when he got home at midnight. I love my bathroom now, we painted cabinets,walls, new floor,framed out builders mirror, new towel hooks and towels, and hardware for cabinets. Whew that was a project so when we got done with that we said no more projects for a while, ha we started the backyard this week, now we will do it in phases so it may take a few months but going to look great I am excited. Maybe now we will spend time out there. Also being home with the kids I have been organizing and decluttering. I dont know why we have to aculmilate so much junk it drives me crazy, I now look at things different and go threw a zillion questions before we buy anything or put it on our wish list. I want things to be simple and the house to always feel clean. We dont need all those dust collecting,shelf sitting stuff. If it does not get used everyday I got rid of it. Also to lighten our load and have help so we are not spending our free time doing yard work etc.. I hired someone to come do yard work and it is so nice hearing the lawnmowers every couple of weeks is like Christmas to me. Something I do not have to do on my to do list. Kiddos have been busy Matty has been playing Soccer through Upward at our Church. This year has not been the best and maybe because he is in school and gymnastics as well. He has seemed so tired and had a horrible cough so I finally took him in and he has Asthma, so we have started on an inhaler and in just a few days we have noticed a difference, I could kick myself for waiting so long to take him in. Only 3 days of school left for my little guy next week, I am sad he is losing such a wonderful, amazing teacher, I wish she could follow him every year. But at least we will still see her and her family at Church. I have lots of things planned for Matty this summer, VBS, Bowling, Ice Skating (he requested) Sports Camp, Swimming, Reading books and sleeping yes lots of sleeping,lol... Now Miss Ash, she is a wild curly hair crazy girl that has an attitude,lol. She knows what she wants, I know she will be super excited to have her brother home because when he is home now she is stuck to him like glue, she loves her "Buddy" I have her signed up for Summer fun Thursdays in July and I know she will have a blast going to that. She got a book for her birthday from her Uncle Brett and it has lots of animals in it and it has a button for each animal that tells you animal and what sound it makes well she told me what every animal was in the book, she named them as she pointed to each one and there are 2 to a page in the book and then she would push the button she can also tell you the sound they make with out pushing button. There is a lot of animals in the book and am shocked and how well she does. She loves this book and it shows we already have had to tape pages, they are falling out. I have also been busy with my Thirty One business and am gearing up for Conference in Atlanta and also getting a family vacation with my family and getting to see all my relatives in Georgia. Counting down the days I am so ready. We also have a Beach trip to Port Aransas in June, I love the beach and am ready for it. I need a relaxing weekend so bad. It will be nice for the kids to get to spend time with Daddy and him not be working on projects and gone to work. Well that is kind of an update of our crazy schedule and hoping for some little down time we have something every weekend till August. I guess that is what happens when I cant get anything done during the week. Have a wonderful summer and I hope to be back on the blog more often, I have been blog hopping to try and get ideas for mine, I want mine to be big and get lots of followers so think it is time for a re vamp. And we will start that with a giveaway, coming soon. Have a great weekend! Happy Memorial Day!!!

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