Thursday, June 14, 2012


Summer is here and Matthew has completed Kindergarten. Hard to believe I have a First grader now. We started off our summer with a busy week. Matthew had Sports Camp at our Church in the evenings and VBS in the mornings at another Church they did a Mythbusters theme for VBS and he loved it he was exhausted by the end of the week then we went and visited family out of town for the weekend. So our summer started off with a BANG!! Now we are in week 2 and it has been a lazy week which has been nice we have gone for walks in the evening and pretty much stayed in pjs all day (I love that) then this weekend is Fathers Day and we dont really have anything big planned we will probably go swimming, maybe see a movie and relax. Next week we dont have much planned except a Beach trip/Family Reunion in Port A, I love the beach and am so ready to go relax and have a blast. Its only a 4 day work week for Hubby and I and we both really need it. Then for the rest of the summer we have another VBS Matthew will go to and then we also have a HUGE trip and we will be gone 8 whole days WOW we have not done this as a family at all. I have a 31 National Conference to go to in Atlanta and am super excited to go this year. And the best part my Parents are from their and we have family to stay with so we are making a vacation out of it 2 Days Conference, 2 Driving days (not looking forward to one their and 1 back 17 hour days) and 4 days with family. It is gonna be a blast!!!!!! Then when we get back it will be time to buy school supplies and clothes and get ready for school,does it feel like summer is already going buy fast???? What fun things do you have planned for summer?????

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