Monday, January 4, 2010

A New Year 2010

Wow, Happy New Year to all!!!!!
I am shoked that it is already here, I have set a few New year Resolutions, 1. get better at remembering to send Birthday,Anniversary Cards etc... 2. Loose 35-40lbs by summer 3.Survive these last 9 weeks of pregnancy with gestational diabetes, not very happy about that and the pricking of my finger.
4. Get better at blogging (I say this all the time)

We had a fantastic Christmas (4 of them actually) had Brandons family in town staying with us it was great. My mother in law did all our laundry one week which was a huge help to me. She kept dishes done which was great now if only I can do the same to keep things done....
Matty got so much stuff for Christmas, it is crazy and to think this next Christmas we will have 2 kiddos getting things,yikes.....

I love traditions, growing up my family on Christmas morning would have cinnamon rolls,orange danish rolls,bacon and eggs and while that cooked we would play with our Santa gifts it was awesome, we have that tradition still with Matty.
Since our family has grown with the extended family and we dont have a money tree in our backyard it has been tough each year for Christmas. With my family we just have to buy a gift for Jordynn my neice then we buy a stocking stuffer for everyone else which is still 9 people but makes it fun. This year my mom has changed it up a bit which still I think is going to be lots of fun, we will draw around Thanksgiving a item of clothing and whatever item you get you will buy everyone that item, lets say i have socks, but at Christmas when we all open everything we will have a complete outfit, very cool idea and I think it will be lots of fun....
Now hubby's side wow it is big and just keeps getting bigger, it is 15 people we buy for and it just seems to get harder every year budget wise and the age that everyone is getting. I have lots ideas that would make it easier on everyone, hubby likes the ideas to but says it will probably never happen thats ok, I am going to try a new plan this year we will see if it works, shooping those great deals through out the year, because on top of Christmas we also have Birthdays 27 to be exact so really have to get smart his year because it seems like everything always increases but our income. Well I have gone on and on and but probably cause I feel like I am talking to myself I dont know if anyone even reads this,lol.....
Have a great week I am sure I will be back and hopefully sooner that is one of my 2010 Resalutions....

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