Monday, January 31, 2011

Selling Thirty-One

I have tried many businesses over the years and when I told Brandon that I wanted to sell Thirty One he told me know I said ok, well I had a huge wish list. So I decided I would pray about it and also plan to have a party. Well the night I asked him he started researching it and was looking at stuff I had brought home from a show. Well then the ext day he told me I could do it, something I could get out of house and do and schedule parties when I wanted to schedule them. I always long for adult converstaion since I am home all day with sweet little kiddos. Well all this had taken place on Thursday well Saturday I signed up scheduled my debut party and now was waiting fo my "Pink Box" to come in. Well some of you may have not heard of Thirty One well its not a birthday party,lol... Thirty One is a Faith based business and has been around for 7 years. The name Thirty One comes from the Old Testament where Proverbs 31 shows how women who are kind,work hard, and possess courage and wisdom are worthy of praise and reward. We are all about Celebrating, Encouraging and Rewarding woman which is why that is our Motto. It is amazing to grow with this company and I love the products they get used everyday in our home,car,purses, diaper bag. If you have not had a chance to see these AMAZING products send me a message or check out my website our NEW catalog starts February 1 with New products. I have a new wish list started again. Visit my website at
Happy Monday and have a great week.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


My sweet boy Matthew, it breaks your heart when your child asks you why you dont love him anymore, I asked him why do you say that and while he has tears rolling down his cheeks tells you I pay more attention to Ashlynn, oh how sad that makes me feel. It is hard being a parent of 2 kids and showing your love equally and we try. After calming him down and getting more from him he just did not understand why I feed, dress and hold Ashlynn, and he has to do all that by himself. So explaining it all to him and also saying we did all that for him when he was the sam age as Ashlynn, and when she is 5 she will have things she has to do by herself. But we love them both the same, but that we have loved Matty longer. He is such a big helper but he does have his moments.
So here is a little about Matty, Matthew Laban Terry was born November 8, 2005 and we were the happiest parents ever (I know we all are) I was so glad to have my sweet boy, I was very protective of him and still am in some ways, he has grown into a very sweet boy, he likes things calm and on schedule and does not like to be agrivated he can be such a great kid when you dont ignore him and you include him in everything or just let him be a boy and he does great, Matty has always measured off the charts on height since he was born and so everyone always thinks he is older then he is so they expect him to be mature he is still a little boy. At his 5yr checkup he measured the size of an 8yr old so he is very tall for a 5yr old. Matthew loves to go to pre school and goes M, W, F and will start kindergarten this Fall (I am so nervous)he goes to gymnastics once a week and loves it he has been doing this about 3years now, he will start soccer in March and he is so excited he played last year and had a fantastic time, I am looking forward to it again as well.
As I am typing this I can hear my little guy singing in the shower it is so cute.
Matthew is a great "Big Brother" and loves his sister so very much. I just love his jokes, his stories and his creativity, he love to build with legos and it amazes me what he can create. He gets these difficult sets and puts them together by himself it is fantastic. We love to build with him as well. I am getting the hang of trying not to make him wait and say I have to do this for your sister etc... Days are going so much better juggling 2 kids, 2 personalities, 2 very independent children and things a certain way, but they play together so well even with a 4 1/2 year difference between Matthew and Ashlynn. Matthew is such a blessing in our family and keeps us on our toes.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Childrens Craft Display

I love seeing all the ideas of how your childs crafts are diplayed even those that are just a scribble is special, before I had seen lots of different ideas on how to display the never ending pieces of paper, I thought I was creative and came up with this myself. Matty had a huge wall and I had no idea what to put on it first I painted it with magnetic paint and was going to use magnets that failed. So I went and bought this long Curtain rod and curtain clips and hung it up and nowwe clip pictures to it for each season and at the end I take a picture of it and then throw away the non keepsakes (I do have a picture of them all) and then save the sentimental ones. So easy and I love it. I have ideas for Ashlynn's room when she starts bringing home projects.
I love to organize, you would think after living her in the same house for 9 years it would be organized completely well still a working progress and one of these day it will be done..

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Day with Us

I wander myself how I get through each day and friends seem to call me "Super Mom" "Energizer Bunny" "Super Woman" But really it is by Gods Grace I make it through each day, I have battles with my kids, I am tired, I get frustrated, I give up, yes us mommys all have experiened one of these things I am sure. I am so busy when I want to sit down for 5 minutes it usually does not happen. The only way I am getting to do blog is Ashlynn is in the bath tub and I am sitting in bathroom with the laptop so using time wisely I guess. Growing up we had routine everyday all the way down to snack, now most of you know there is a HUGE gap betwen me and my siblings so example "Snack Time" was always at 4:00 and we watched Barney well they did but that is how they learned to tell time. So my day usually runs that way now. I am a big plan ahead person I pretty much have till the end of the year already planned, my hubby on other hand is not a planner but after almost 10 years he is getting the hang of it or asks "What is the plan" even Matty asks every night what is the plan when we wake up. So I got them trained, ok so you wander how I do everything I do here is a typical day in The Terry household
I wake up at 7:00am and go to couch yes I get the best 30 minutes of sleep doing this, then daycare kids start showing up, most which go down for morning nap we are slowly taking this out of morning routine. Then when my kids begin waking up we have breakfast most days consist of a waffle, nutri grain bar or poptart, sometimes oatmeal, we are not morning people at all. Then we play or Matty is off to preschool MWF so it just depends. Then we do preschool with daycare kids, play outside, all over house, it does get messy around here. Then lunch I start cooking around 11:15 and we eat at Noon, I cook a home cooked meal everyday. Then we do more school stuff, music etc... Then after noon nap and I usually get laundry, clean kitchen, etc done as much as I would like to nap with them it rarely happens. Then after nap we have snack time (we do not watch Barney) then we play and play until time to go home. Then it is life with my family and the evenings go fast. Most evenings are just me and the kids and we get bored. Hubby does not have the typical 8-5 job but not vary many of those out there these days. A typical hubby week is M 9-6 T 9-9 W 2-Cl or O-Cl Th 9-6 Fr 9-6 Sa O-Cl and Su Off So I only cook dinner nights he is home which is not very often. We do Family night dinner every Wednesday at my Parents and Tuesday Matty has Gymnastics so we go to Chick Fil A after so we stay on the go. Mondays I teach piano after daycare kids leave. So we live a crazy busy life and it just gets crazier. I also squeeze in my Thirty One business.
I love my life and what God has done in our lives each day. I am sure I overwhelmed some of you and I did not add everything we will leave that for different blogs.
Have a great weekend Friends.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Lets see if this works!!! I have got to get this blogging thing figured out. This picture is for those of you who needed a smile or a laugh today. I just love this cute picture of Ashlynn, it makes me feel good even on those very stressful days!!! Happy Wednesday everyone!!!