Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Day with Us

I wander myself how I get through each day and friends seem to call me "Super Mom" "Energizer Bunny" "Super Woman" But really it is by Gods Grace I make it through each day, I have battles with my kids, I am tired, I get frustrated, I give up, yes us mommys all have experiened one of these things I am sure. I am so busy when I want to sit down for 5 minutes it usually does not happen. The only way I am getting to do blog is Ashlynn is in the bath tub and I am sitting in bathroom with the laptop so using time wisely I guess. Growing up we had routine everyday all the way down to snack, now most of you know there is a HUGE gap betwen me and my siblings so example "Snack Time" was always at 4:00 and we watched Barney well they did but that is how they learned to tell time. So my day usually runs that way now. I am a big plan ahead person I pretty much have till the end of the year already planned, my hubby on other hand is not a planner but after almost 10 years he is getting the hang of it or asks "What is the plan" even Matty asks every night what is the plan when we wake up. So I got them trained, ok so you wander how I do everything I do here is a typical day in The Terry household
I wake up at 7:00am and go to couch yes I get the best 30 minutes of sleep doing this, then daycare kids start showing up, most which go down for morning nap we are slowly taking this out of morning routine. Then when my kids begin waking up we have breakfast most days consist of a waffle, nutri grain bar or poptart, sometimes oatmeal, we are not morning people at all. Then we play or Matty is off to preschool MWF so it just depends. Then we do preschool with daycare kids, play outside, all over house, it does get messy around here. Then lunch I start cooking around 11:15 and we eat at Noon, I cook a home cooked meal everyday. Then we do more school stuff, music etc... Then after noon nap and I usually get laundry, clean kitchen, etc done as much as I would like to nap with them it rarely happens. Then after nap we have snack time (we do not watch Barney) then we play and play until time to go home. Then it is life with my family and the evenings go fast. Most evenings are just me and the kids and we get bored. Hubby does not have the typical 8-5 job but not vary many of those out there these days. A typical hubby week is M 9-6 T 9-9 W 2-Cl or O-Cl Th 9-6 Fr 9-6 Sa O-Cl and Su Off So I only cook dinner nights he is home which is not very often. We do Family night dinner every Wednesday at my Parents and Tuesday Matty has Gymnastics so we go to Chick Fil A after so we stay on the go. Mondays I teach piano after daycare kids leave. So we live a crazy busy life and it just gets crazier. I also squeeze in my Thirty One business.
I love my life and what God has done in our lives each day. I am sure I overwhelmed some of you and I did not add everything we will leave that for different blogs.
Have a great weekend Friends.

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