Friday, February 18, 2011

My Guys

"My Guys" Matthew and Brandon are 100% Aggie they love to go to games together and Brandon eats,drinks and sleeps football me not so much so when it is football season dont make any plans during football games, I am learning. Matthew loves watching the band at half time and loves watching the game, but he is like me LOVES the concession stand, I am addicted to concession food, but the price not so much. We would love to someday have season passes for us to go to the game but for now we always go to the "Maroon and White" game and then Matty and Brandon go to at least 1 other game maybe 2 during the year. Brandon would be at every single one if he could. He has a fantastic Aunt and Uncle and if they have extra tickets they have invited my guys and that seems to be the most talked about game when the go so sweet. Now Basketball season, I love, and Ash went to her first basketball game and loved it as well this year. I love basketball and baseball. But football concessions and halftime are my favorite,lol. Matthew wants to go to A&M he will be
"Class of 2028" if I did the math correct. My all sports guys they love it!!!! My guys always seem to have an Aggie shirt. Gig Em'

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