Thursday, February 10, 2011

Our New Puppy

We have a new Puppy, I am crazy because I had been trying to find a new home for our dog and possibly our cat a nd be pet free well instead we added to our pet family. But I think our dog "Aggie" was just lonely and now loves having a new buddy to play with. "Aggie" we got about 7 years ago we rescued him from Cavelier King Charles rescue, Brandon always wanted a Cavelier but they go for $1500-$2000 a dog and we just would not pay that much for this dog, well "Aggie" was abused as a puppy so he has some issues but he has gotten better over the years and now having a playmate and her name is "Zoey" it has been better for "Aggie" all though she has only been with us for 2 weeks (seems longer) puppies are hard work I will not lie about that. Zoey is 8 weeks now she came from a litter of 13 puppies and the mommy quit feeding them at 3 weeks. They say Zoey is part lab/bloodhound (mommy side) and Blue heeler (dad) but she really does not favor any of those very much we will just have to see when she is older what she is like, right now she is a cutie and just precious. Matty loves her, Ash on other hand doesn't know what to think. Well we will have to see now how it goes now with 3 animals but so far so good, and we dont plan on being in this house forever we want to move to land and a bigger house so it will be nice to have a bigger dog when we do that. I tried to get a picture of all the pets together but instead got this cute one of Matty and Zoey.

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