Monday, October 31, 2011


Growing up we did not really do Halloween, I went to a few carnivals/fall Fest growing up and then when my siblings got older I would take them to a couple of houses and Fall fest but never went all over the place or bought costumes just came up with something. Now I do remember one year I was a witch and another year a clown but that is about it. So now that I have kids what do we do well, I guess I am doing what I always wanted to do go to fall festivals and trick or treating, but of course I am particular where we go. This year I bought costumes in the past we really didnt we either borrowed or got as gifts etc or created it. This year my kids, Matthew Darth Vador (given the costume) and Ashlynn a Ladybug (I ordered it) and super cute they both are. So we went to our Church fall festival last night had fun and got a littlle bit of candy and tonight I think we are going to do some serious candy hunting tonight. We also have the tradition of going to my friends parents house since Matty had his first halloween it is fun and my kids enjoy it. So I am sure we will make that stop tonight as well. Have a safe and Happy Halloween

Monday, October 24, 2011

Tough week

Well this week has been a hard week and I of course try to be strong and try to do everything by myself, lets start back to Tuesday of last week, I went to Bible study and while there I knew something was not right and came home and realized yes something was not right went to bed trying not to think about it (I am leaving out gory details) I was up all night and knew something was just not right well got up Wednesday morning got Matty off to school, daycare kids started arriving and I was doing fine well I was sitting on couch and another something is not right moment and it went downhill from there. I had kids picked up and I called Dr and went to get blood work done and well passed out at the Lab twice yep not fun I even had Ash with me. Then went to my moms for the rest of the day yes it was a rough day, on Friday went back to Dr and confirmed Miscarriage, I did not know I was pregnant I was suspicious though that I was but when all this started I knew it was just not normal. I tried to be strong, Brandon left for a retreat on Thursday so my trips to Dr was by myself I was fine with that, I try to be tough but I lost it Saturday I shed a few tears, we went to Tyler this weekend for my nephews 6th birthday and to see my new neice which was fantastic to get away and get to be with family but I was ready to be home and with Brandon since it had been a rough week. I was reminded many times this week of the plan God has for us and I am in awww of that and how He is with us each step of the way. I also have great friends and family that has been Praying for us. Couple of verses that have been on my mind this past week John 15:7 and Romans 8:18 says"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be reavealed to us." and then John 15:7 says "If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." He may not answer us right away but He has a plan and we must abide in Him. God takes great pleasure in us having time with Him each day and I try so hard to take that time and pray and listen to Him. I told Brandon I dont know if I need to have a good cry or sleep (have not slept in several days) and he said I need time. This is the beginning of a new week and I am happy and blessed in so many ways and am looking forward to what God has for me each and everyday this week and the weeks ahead.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Under Construction

Lots of things going on in The Terry household
Under Construction - Blog (what do you think so far?) our hearts,organizing house, organizing life, and planning Holidays and birthdays yep we are going non stop around here.

Monday, October 17, 2011

What a weekend

Wow it has been a busy weekend and I started my weekend taking everything out of pantry and painting and re organizing it. It was job for sure. I ad help from the hubby with painting it and putting contact paper down and that was a huge help. We also painted all the door knobs that were put in when house was built and back then was this popular cheap gold plain knob and over the years are just plain out ugly so we had to do them in secions because of the kids trying to get in places they can not go so it tooks us a week to do these, but we painted them a rubbed bronze and they look awesome. Instead of costing us $500 on new knobs for whole house it cost $8cant beat that for sure and I had a gift card so what I bought for the pantry and knobs has not cost us anything yet love gift cards. Love organizing Next HUGE project is garage and I have a deadline on that so the process will start tonight and will take a week or longer I am sure.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Transforming Christmas

Brandon and I are both doing Bible studies and love it. He goes when he can every Tuesday morning at 6:30am and then I have one on Tuesday evenings at 6:15 I am doing Transforming Christmas led by Angela Turner and it is AMAZING and cant wait to do it again next year. I love the class and learning about what God has showed her to write for a Bible Study and showing us the true meaning of Christmas. I am making some changes this year and am super excited. We have also been making some wonderful gifts for presents and planning what we will spend for each person. I see our Christms being very relaxing and Celebrating the Birth of Jesus. I would love to post pics of what I have been doing but then that would give away my gifts for some of those that read this. So I guess I will have to share my ideas later on. But one of the ideas for this year I am super excited about is we are going to have a Birthday Party for Jesus on Christmas Eve complete with cake and candles and party hats looking forward to this.
Lots of exciting plans and will have to post them.

For the month of December I will have a countdown from the first till the 25th with scripture verses, recipes, giveaway and much more. I am looking forward to hopefully acomplish this goal I have set for myself during the busy holiday season, but hope it slows us down and that we pray and spend our time with the Lord each day. I went to a retreat this past weekend and something that stuck out and this could have been Jesus talking to me telling me that God takes great pleasure in spendig time with us each day. We do need to spend that time with Him, I do notice the days I forget to or say I dont have time my days are horrible and until I stop and take that time with Him things will continue on the wrong path. Take that time with Him and have a positive day.