Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Transforming Christmas

Brandon and I are both doing Bible studies and love it. He goes when he can every Tuesday morning at 6:30am and then I have one on Tuesday evenings at 6:15 I am doing Transforming Christmas led by Angela Turner and it is AMAZING and cant wait to do it again next year. I love the class and learning about what God has showed her to write for a Bible Study and showing us the true meaning of Christmas. I am making some changes this year and am super excited. We have also been making some wonderful gifts for presents and planning what we will spend for each person. I see our Christms being very relaxing and Celebrating the Birth of Jesus. I would love to post pics of what I have been doing but then that would give away my gifts for some of those that read this. So I guess I will have to share my ideas later on. But one of the ideas for this year I am super excited about is we are going to have a Birthday Party for Jesus on Christmas Eve complete with cake and candles and party hats looking forward to this.
Lots of exciting plans and will have to post them.

For the month of December I will have a countdown from the first till the 25th with scripture verses, recipes, giveaway and much more. I am looking forward to hopefully acomplish this goal I have set for myself during the busy holiday season, but hope it slows us down and that we pray and spend our time with the Lord each day. I went to a retreat this past weekend and something that stuck out and this could have been Jesus talking to me telling me that God takes great pleasure in spendig time with us each day. We do need to spend that time with Him, I do notice the days I forget to or say I dont have time my days are horrible and until I stop and take that time with Him things will continue on the wrong path. Take that time with Him and have a positive day.

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