Tuesday, November 17, 2009

It has been a LONG time.......

Wow how the time goes by, I have not posted since April and a lot has happened since then. I really need to get better at this and also really figure out how to work all this blogging stuff, luckily I remembered my password today :-)
Lets see since April we can start with May what did we do in May, Matty finished up MDO at Church and he is moving on to Preschool in the fall wow my little boy is growing up way to fast. It has been so long I really cant remember what we did. June hmmm, I had another miscairage but was not far along on this one as my last, we had friends here for a weekend that was lots of fun. July has now rolled around and we enjoyed the fireworks, took a gfamily vacation to El Paso this is where Brandon's parents live, it was lots of fun going to Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands and much more, we had a blast. Had fun swimming this summer and much more. August has now rolled around and I am Pregnant wow very excited but also nervous again will not get my hopes up until I see this gummy bear. I do start getting sick, no fun and so I have a roller coaster of a month and to end our summer we go to Schlitterbaun and have a blast, I pretty much snacked on concession food all day which is one of my big cravings. So I have spent several weeks sick as a dog but I am surviving. September is here and I am so ready to decorate for fall but I try my hardest to wait till the first day of fall, I am doing a little better as far as being sick and getting big quick, my birthday rolls around on the 24th and I take the day off and Katie and I go out for the day we saw a movie went shopping out to lunch it was awesome then we finished the day off with a party at my parents a great way to bring in the 30's. Finally got to decorate for fall and love it now for some fall weather would be great. October still HOT and now rainy, well we found out that our little gummy bear is a GIRL and we are so excited and this is also our last, her name is Ashlynn Leigh Ann Terry, Leigh Ann is after my Aunt and we love the name Ashlynn as well we had to use them all for our last and our little girl, I am of course still not doing so good I have good days and bad days I wish everyday could be a GREAT one. Halloween we had a party at my moms that was great and Matty went to a few houses to get candy that we never eat I dont even know why we went to get some but he had fun and dressed up as a Aggie football player. I have looked at our calendar and we have something every week until January,I am going to go crazy. Wow I am at November and I think I can remember what has gone on so far this month, now the goal is continue to stay updated. We always have a crazy November, we celebrated Brandons 29th birthday on the 7th had friends over for dinner it was a great time, as well as Matty's party that day as well he had a Gymnastics party and had a lot of his friends come it was great and the cake I had someone make was AWESOME, loved it.. Then the next day is Mattys birthday and we went to Chuckee Cheese which is a tradition we have had since his first birthday and wow to believe this is his 4th birthday. So after a full weekend of birthdays friends and family it is time to get back to the daily grind of the work week and then the weekend rolls around and we have our Anniversary and we are celebrating 8yrs this year we went to Outback steakhouse for dinner, love the Prime Rib. Wow I have now made it to today and it is finally cool outside but not cool enough for the heater inside but wear your jacket outside for sure. I am still sick about once a day and still living of the nasaue medicine, it does help me get through the day. I am busy with daycare kiddos and could use 1 or 2 more. I am going to try so hard to try and enter something in everyday well we will see how that goes. I am looking forward to this weekend my goal is to decorate for Christmas, I love Christmas and have a tree for every room. I also am looking forward to Thanksgiving next week we are having it at my moms house and having a feast it is going to be great, I am so glad maternity pants have a nice stretchable waist. I think I am caught up but it is not everything that happened this year but we have had a great year, I am still thinking of things we did A&M football games, Renisance Festival that I left out and we have had a blast with all. Now time for Chick fil a night it is Tuesday and we are off and then to Target to get a couple of things. Have a great week!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Rainy Weather

Well it is a rainy day and so staying indoors I try to be creative. Staying at home with one would be easy to come up with stuff but having daycare kiddos I am trying to keep several busy. We have lots of fun and I enjoy being at home. There are some weeks though that I wish I worked 2 days and had 5 off who thought that a work week needed to be 5 days. Lets say we work Tuesday and Wednesday and have off Thursday through Monday, that would be great.
I am trying to plan our May I think with daycare kiddos we are going to work on Safety and Recycle (going green). I think this will be lots of fun.
As a family I hope to go to Kings Orchard and pick fresh berries. Go on lots of family bike rides and playing outdoors. I am also looking forward to the summer when we can go swimming and Matty starts gymnastics, he is so excited.
Well I am shoked I got to blogs done within less then 12 hours now wander how long it will take for my next. I also hope to get some more things added to my blog I am learning little by little. I am new at this to all you bloogers so if you have tips let me know. Well better get busy with my day..

Monday, April 27, 2009

A little behind

Well over the last several months have been hard, we have been busy and spending a lot of time as a family which has been nice. I have had 2 very early pregnacy miscariages and am doing well. My last one was the week before Easter so it was a rough week but I have managed to keep going. I got away for the weekend with a friend which was nice we shopped and went to an all day Scrapbook thing and I got a lot done and still have lots to do. I did get lots of ideas which is nice. Matty got to enjoy the weekend with his daddy, they went to the Maroon & White Game and had a blast. Well Matty is growing like a weed he is 3 1/2 and wearing size 5 clothes and 12 1/2 shoes. Did you know when you move from the toddler section clothes triple in price, between feeding this weed and clothing him I am broke. But it is all worth it. I have been trying to turn our home Green and organic the best we can for now. It would help if we would get a Whole Foods around here. We had a new addition to our extended family this weekend our nephew Cullen Rex Terry was born and is a cutie pie. He has a sweet big brother Eli and great parents looking forward to our visit with them soon. Well I better go to bed and hopefully I wont get so far behind again.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Cute things Matty says and does

Matty has cute ways he says words or the way he shortens them, I know all kids do this and you hate to correct them because it is so cute.
Cute words he says Meself instead of myself, Allabody instead of everybody, bunt instead of button, thank for thank you and welk for welcome. "I told you" is one of his favorites. He wants a honker for his bike. Everything happened Yesterday and the time is always 10:36. He is cute when he says "Oh Gosh" or oh no her didn't. Many cute things for such a cute little boy. He sure lets us know if he had a great day. He told us one day that if we went to the movie it would be a great day. I am sure I will think of others but Matty wants to go to the park and it is such beautiful weather and he wants to ride his bike which means and early night to bed!!!!! Love these nights.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Our Little Boy

Matthew Laban Terry "Matty" was born November 8,2005 weighed 8lbs 1oz and was 21 1/4 inches long he was a long skinny baby. Cute as can be. it he first year went buy fast he was a great sleeper and eater and a very happy baby. We celebrated his First Birthday with a Prince Party and had all our family and friends at my parents house we had lots of fancy desserts and time to celebrate the 1st year of having such a sweet boy. Then came a busy 2nd year with Matty walking and talking and being a boy what a great year. Matthew began MDO at our Church in the summer of 2007 and he loved it he would come home and talk about his entire day then in the fall he began going twice a week and just loves it Then came the 2nd birthday and we had a Pirate Party which Matty was very into pirates and we celebrated this birthday with family and friends at our home Matthew was now our big 2yr old wow and those terrible 2's. Did I survive yes I did but it is not over yet. We are now in the terrible 3's he had his 3rd birthday at my parents with a carnival and a outdoor movie with Thomas the Train theme. What a party the older he gets the more kids at the party and it was a wild party but a huge blast we all had lots of fun. Now the begininning of this 3rd year and he get mistaken as a 5 or 6 yr old all the time and it is hard for me he is only 3. His favorites areTractors, cars and trains and he is very picky about clothes and shoes and he has been potty trained for a year which is great now. His favorite things to eat are Spaghetw, Beeftips Rice and Gravy, Chicken and Fries and pretty muc any green vegetable he loves Asparagus, Green beans, Spinach. I am glad he loves his vegatables. Well I am sure I will think of something but for now this is what

The beginning of "The Terry Times"

Well it is Day 1 of blogging and I guess you could say I am 7 years behind from when I got married or if we want to start from when Matthew "Matty" was born then I am 3 years behind. Well I can give the highlights from the past 7 years of being "The Terry's". Brandon and I married November 16, 2001 and it has been great and planning on many more great years. In March of 2008 we were blessed with a baby coming into our lives in June we found out that it was a boy and his name Matthew Laban Terry and he was born on November 8, 2005. That was a fantastic day, scary but would do it all over again. Well these last 3 years have gone by super fast, we would love to have more children but we have been blessed with this incredible little boy and if God lets us have more we will take as many as we can get.