Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Matthew and Ashlynn

Wow it is crazy how 2011 just seemed to fly by and now January is doing the same thing. My kids are growing up way to fast and it is hard to believe.
Matthew is 6 and is halfway through Kindergarten and is doing great, he will be tested for GT this week and I am hoping this will help some he is getting bored in class and getting in trouble and so I am hoping some change will help. After school he goes to Powersports and loves it he has Gymnastics twice a week and is on Boys team and is doing fantastic. He is reading on level C and is very curious of words anywhere and always trying to sound them out. Matty is also fixing to start Upward Soccor and so our already crazy schedule is going to get a little busier it seems. But it is lots of fun. Matty loves Beyblades, Pokemon cards, Legos and his DS in his free time. My little guy is so much fun and so creative. He loves his Little Sister Ashlynn, now Ash is my very stubborn child but very smart. She is going to be 2 in less then 2 months and she is really 2 going on 21. She thinks she knows it all. She loves to copy her brother in everything he does, she will sit and color for hours, she thinks her brothers room is hers. She gets so excited when Mattty comes home from school. And weekends she is beside him non stop. She loves her bitty baby and "Baby" goes everywhere and sleeps with Ash. She loves to feed her baby and change her baby clothes all the time (with help of course) Ash loves to wear dresses and bows in her hair, first thing in the morning she will pick out a bow for her hair. She is full of attitude and thinks she can do everything. We got Wii Dance 2 for Christmas and she can do it as well and is really good.

I am so thankful for the 2 blessings God has blessed us with. They are incredible kids and we enjoy every moment with them. Both kids are miracle babies love them both so much.

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