Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year and New Goals

I have a HUGE goal list and it all seems to be thanks to Pinterest. We have lived in our home since 2002 and it was brand new, they had just finished the last things the day we moved in and well we had not even been married a year yet and so we have not done a whole lot but over the years and this house has seen our kids and many others that have been in my home daycare so this house gets used and I love to paint (not my hubby favorite thing to do) but being in my house 24/7 I get tired if things real quick and need change. I am finally after 10 years starting to feel like I "Live" in my house and it feels like a house with the things I have done.
For my goals of 2012 and it will probably seem like 2012 goals I have to do I hope it really is not that much but as long as I keep looking at Pinterest I am sure my list will get longer.
Goals of 2012 (And lots of Pictures and Blogging to come)
1) Put Craft table together and finish organizing garage
2) Begin a FB page for selling Crafts "Sweet & Sassy Crafts"
3) Blog about my kids
4) Better at taking pictures
5) Redo Laundry room paint, organize etc....
6) Redo Master bath floor, cabinets, paint etc...
7) Pull up carpet in living room
8) Sewing cute dresses for Ash
9) Potty Train Ash & Cooper (daycare kiddo)
11)Complete and catch up on Scrap-booking
12)Add giveaways to my blog
These are in no particular order and I know I have lots more to add to my list but for now if I get a goal a month done then I am doing great.
Happy New Year
What are some of your "Goals" for 2012

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